Monday, May 19, 2008

Group Worksample for Alaska Statehood Grant

FMA Group Worksample from Kevin Co on Vimeo.

This is a group worksample that we submitted with a recent grant. The first piece is a excerpt from a video that was edited by Miriam Elizondo and shot with Kevin Co. Second piece is some animation work by David Nicholson, and third piece is a excerpt from Kevin's upcoming film about Bristol Bay that he shot and edited.

The project we've proposed is a historical documentary of Bristol Bay, exploring pre-statehood to the present. The film will be told through the personal stories and images of Violet Wilson, an Aleut Elder who has been fishing the Bay for 51 years with her family. Keep your collective fingers crossed.

I've also started to use Vimeo as our online broadcaster. I think you'll agree that the videos look much better.

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